Levata Sleep offers alternative treatment for those living with sleep apnea

MARQUETTE — A new business is opening up in Marquette that will offer game–changing treatments for those suffering from sleep apnea.

Levata Sleep was founded by Dr. Anja Hoffstrom, a dentist with a passion for improving the quality of sleep that sleep apnea patients experience. Levata Sleep offers an oral appliance for patients to wear during the night. This appliance can serve as an alternative to traditional sleep apnea treatments.

“In some cases, such as mild or moderate sleep apnea, an oral appliance can actually be used as the first line of treatment,” said Dr. Hoffstrom. “And for patients that are not able to use a CPAP Machine, then the oral appliance can be an effective treatment modality as well. So as a dentist, I make an oral appliance that is custom–fit for each patient, and this is used to hold the airway open while the patient sleeps.”

After practicing general dentistry in the Marquette area for years, Dr. Hoffstrom took an interest in finding alternative treatments for sleep apnea such as this oral appliance.

Sleep apnea can lead to other health issues such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and others. Dr. Hoffstrom’s innovative appliance is her way of caring for both her patients’ overall health and sleep quality. The name of her business is another thing that reflects that.

“The word Levata means ‘to rest’ in Finnish,” explained Dr. Hoffstrom. “So with my own Finnish heritage, from the very beginning I had a connection with that name. It kind of clicked and I knew that was going to be our name, because I am really trying to provide a better night’s rest for my patients and their loved ones.”

Levata Sleep will be holding a virtual grand opening on January 22, with a Facebook Live event going on throughout the day.
Anyone wanting additional information or to ask questions is also welcome to speak with staff members in person at their location in Maruqette. Visit the Levata Sleep website or Facebook page to contact staff or to learn more.