Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund board recommended $25 million for outdoor recreation development

MARQUETTE COUNTY — The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund board recommended $25 million in grant awards to the state legislature. The grant awards would go towards outdoor recreation development and land acquisition projects.

This funding will support a diverse range of projects that include, land acquisition for wildlife and fishery habitat conservation and access to other resources. The board this year recommended $25.6 million in grant funding, including $11.5 million for 60 recreation development projects and $14.1 million for 18 land acquisition projects.

These projects can also be supported by local communities and their local governments. This support will further progress development of outdoor recreation and more throughout Michigan communities.

“So it is important to help support those efforts and through advocacy,” said John Pepin, Deputy Public Information Officer for the DNR. “It returns great benefits to the communities themselves and helps everyone across the state.”

The board’s recommendations are currently being reviewed by the state Legislature as part of the appropriations process. Upon approval, the Legislature will forward a bill for the governor’s signature.

To find more information on the projects you can click here.