Volunteer honored for commitment

CALUMET– 65-year-old Allen Ayotte cares a lot about his community.

The Calumet resident spent much of the summer hand watering more than 30 flower boxes downtown. The planters were noticed by residents and visitors alike. To show to show their appreciation, Al was presented a certificate from the Village of Calumet, the Main Street Calumet Volunteer of the Year Award and a gift basket from the downtown merchants.

Calumet resident Allen Ayotte said, “It’s a special day to me, they’re honoring me. I did the flowers, I’ve got nothing else to do. It’s looking a lot better. I wanted to make it look better.”

Main Street Calumet Executive Director Leah Polzien said, “He has the kind of volunteer spirit that we all just wish we could embody. He really dedicated the time to our town and it just was such a wonderful, wonderful thing to have him do. I think that everyone in our community really recognized his effort and his dedication.”

It’s the first time in three years that the Volunteer of the Year award has been given out. Perhaps others will be inspired by Al’s effort to make a difference.