Lost parking ticket fees increased at Sawyer

Sawyer International Airport was a main topic of discussion at the Marquette County Board of Commissioners meeting Tuesday night.

The commission decided to raise lost ticket parking fees from $35 to $50.  The parking fees are still consistent from when the parking system was put in years ago, and there is an increased use of the lost tickets.

“Because no one is coming in to request a refund, given that they might have stayed less (time parking at the airport), there’s a potential feeling that there’s some use of that (raising the fees) for those that are staying longer than the seven day period,” Marquette County Administrator Scott Erbisch said.

They also approved the reduction of Sawyer’s runway from just over 12,300 feet to 9,000 feet.   However, the runway will not be reduced until 2016.

There was an update on the water system near K.I. Sawyer.  The board approved a Michigan Aircraft Rescue and Fire grant worth $2,000.