Words mean Action for Keweenaw flood relief efforts

ISHPEMING –Wednesday night, the Joy Center in Ishpeming was a place to give back to Keweenaw Flood victims during a Poetry Reading.



The Poet Laureate of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan decided to put words and song to action. 15 members of the public used their voices in support of relief efforts for the Copper Country. Through some emotional moments, and some laughs, everyone felt a spirit of support.

“When I first went up to the Copper Country after the floods happened in June, I saw what kind of devastation it was, and I knew I had to do something about it,” said Poet Laureate of the UP, Martin Achatz. “What better way for the Poet Laureate of the UP to help then to get a whole bunch of his poet and writer friends together and do a reading right here at the Joy Center in Ishpeming?”

Donations and love offerings were collected, and a Poetry Basket of books and broadsides were also raffled off.