GWINN– Gwinn community schools phase two upgrades are underway with the mantra warm, safe, and dry. Last May voters passed a bond initiative supporting the community schools.

This summer $2 million of the $4.2 million bond will be spent on upgrades. The projects are planned to be completed by the school year, including electrical and water improvements. The improvements aim to increase safety and technological advancement for teaching and learning in the classroom.

“I would say this is probably the most ambitious phase of the bond projects,” Superintendent Tom Jayne said. “Currently we are redoing our parking lot here at the Middle School and High School, at Gilbert Elementary, and a new roof at Gilbert Elementary. Brand new technology in every classroom, the teachers are getting 75 inch touch screen televisions with a projector. We will be one to one technology with our students. We will have in every classroom carts of chrome books.”

The funds are evenly split between the three buildings. Other renovations include updating the bathrooms to conserve energy use and a new running track. Two new cutting edge buses that run on propane will be purchased this summer. The whole bond granted must be used in a five year span, next summer plans include updating the tennis court, concessions, and press box.