Ishpeming sewer project construction to begin Monday

A long-anticipated Ishpeming sewer infrastructure project is set to break ground. 

The 16-million-dollar project includes sewer main replacement, installation of redundant main and lift station upgrades to address its aging infrastructure. 

Funding for the project includes a more than eight-million-dollar American Rescue Plan grant and an eight million dollar plus municipal bond through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.

“This project will update critical infrastructure which is more than 70 years old. These improvements are expected to reduce unnecessary strain on the treatment plant systems often occurring during high water events,” Ishpeming City Manager Craig Cugini said. 

The project will kick off on Ash, Hickory and Hemlock Streets on Monday, April 22. 

Construction in this area will last for about three to four weeks.

Residents can expect disruptions to traffic patterns while construction is underway, but access to homes and businesses will be maintained. 

Payne and Dolan, which has an office in Ishpeming, has been contracted to work on the project.