More Strategic Planning for Marquette Township
Marquette Township holds its final planning session to learn how residents want the community to look 20 years from now.
The township held its third and final public strategic planning session tonight.
Residents got to say what qualities they’d like Marquette Township to have 20 years from now and what they’d like to see the township board do within the next year to start addressing those goals.
Township resident, and former township board member, Carol Huempfner says for her, the number-one issue is roads.
She says the roads in the township are very poor and have been for a long time.
She adds the county has said it’d like to address the roads but doesn’t have enough money.
Tonight’s session attracted better attendance than the other two.
And various aspects of the road system have been brought up more than any other issue.
But even in this third session, new topics are still being brought up.
Township Manager Randy Girard says the idea of buffer zones hadn’t come up before but did come up tonight.
Some residents were saying they’d like to see clearer divisions between residential and commercial property.
The board has meetings next Monday and a week from Thursday.
They’ll actually draw up the strategic plan at those meetings, using the ideas that residents have brought up.