MARQUETTE — There is a lot to be thankful for and for the people at the warming center they are thankful for food and the community around them.  Thanksgiving is a holiday intended to celebrate forgiveness and of course, thankfulness. For those at the warming center it is heart–warming to see how much they appreciate this holiday season.

“We have unconditional love…” said a guest.

“I think so too,” said Lois Stanley, volunteer.

“We have unconditional love from people who shouldn’t even want to be in our life,” added the guest.

Just like every year, Room at the Inn, and places like it are able to offer a Thanksgiving dinner to those who would otherwise go without. Yesterday they were able to serve breakfast as well as a mid–afternoon meal with many people taking the opportunity to enjoy the food and company.

“We are all really grateful for the support the community gives. I know the guests are grateful to have a good meal and a warm place to be. As a volunteer, I am grateful to be a part of it,” shared Stanley.

Everyone is thankful here, for the food, people, and the community that has been created for and by them.

“Beautiful little people that fall in love with us, and they give us their hearts and it’s the greatest gift we could have. We are in the lowest places of our life and these people open their doors and fall in love with us. They care about what we do, how we act, if we’re okay if we’re not okay. It’s a godsend, it is,” shared the guest.

This organization is based on the love and kindness of others which includes donations, whether in the form of volunteering or goods and services. The shelter is grateful to anybody who is able to donate in order to help these individuals get back on their feet.