Protest after Donald Trump elected President

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Not everyone is easily accepting Donald Trump as President Elect after a divisive election cycle.

Many people around the nation are taking to the streets to demonstrate. Around the nation thousands of people have taken to the streets to demonstrate their disapproval of the decision.

In Oakland California, protesters did smash windows and start fires prompting police to respond with tear gas, but many other demonstrations remained peaceful. Other protests happened outside of the President–Elects House in Manhattan, outside the Trump Tower in Chicago and outside on Pennsylvania Avenue.

One demonstrator in New York said, “We’re very scarred of what’s going to happen to the LGBT community, to woman, to people of color,” said one Protester in New York, “we’re terrified.” In Dallas, one protest said that they “Should be able to express ourselves, it’s a good way, if our vote didn’t count exactly the way we wanted it too.” Another Dallas demonstrator said, “What was so powerful about this was that we were able to stand together.”

Many protesters say they know that they will not change the outcome of the election, but are proudly exercising their right to demonstrate. After these demonstrations dump trucks have been set around Trump Tower and there is now a no–fly zone as well in order to protect the President–Elect Trump.

Even more protests of Donald Trump’s election are happening in Europe.