Experience All of Dam Jam’s Music with Camping at the Calumet Lyons Park

Festival goers, and local music lovers will flood calumet lyons parks this weekend. As the park fills up for another year of the dam jam music festival. Camping out at the park Friday and Saturday night is one of the best ways to see everything Dam Jam has to offer. And according to dam jam co-founder Jim Newman, camping at the park offers a chance to meet some of the artists, because after the concerts have ended for the night, some of the bands tend to hang around for jam sessions with festival goers.

“Camping is an integral part to the festival. You’ll be able to stay out for the whole night, and enjoy the music. You’ll see the artists outplaying, camping s well. And then you’re able to wake up, and wonder over to the stage, and see what music we got going for the next day. You don’t have to worry about packing into a car, which is a great experience. And then there’s late night acoustic jam sessions that’ll break out from time to time. SO it’s really just a part of the whole experience.” –  Jim Newman, Dam Jam Festival Co-Founder

Money raised by the Dam Jam Music Festival helps make improvements to the calumet Lyons parks. Helping to fund various projects such as the park’s disc golf course, and pavilion. The festival gates will open starting tomorrow at 2pm. You can go online to dam jam u-p dot com, to find more information on this year’s lineup, purchase tickets, and camping information. Organizers also suggest carpooling to the festival for those not camping, as there is limited parking around the area.