PAAC Switches from Collecting Cans to Sorting

NEGUANEE, Mich. – The Upper Peninsula Arts Appreciation Council has been hard at work raising funds to protect the Vista Theater during the winter and repair it in the spring.

Late September into early October began with a can drive that was a supplement to the Go Fund Me page, the PAAC had hoped for $10,000 initially from the can drive but instead got an estimated $20,000 from returnable cans alone.

PAAC Secretary Lisa Bowers says” We were overwhelmed by the support we got from the can drive, we have our Go Fund Me but the can drive was amazing, and the volunteers have been incredible. We know it is cold out but they come ready to work.”

The can sorting will be going through the weekend at these dates:

Wednesday October 28 – 4pm to 6pm
Thursday October 29 – 6:30pm to 8pm
Friday October 30 – OFF TBA
Saturday October 31 – 11am-4pm
Sunday November 1 – 10am -2pm

If you want to donate to the Vista Theater’s Go Fund Me page, click here.