Homeless Task Force to add member from Marquette City Commission

MARQUETTE — A major step has been taken in solving the homeless issue in Marquette.

In a meeting held earlier tonight, the Marquette City Commission voted to approve a motion that will put a city commissioner on the Homeless Task Force in Marquette.

“We’ve received a request from a person in the community asking to appoint one commissioner to a recently-formed Homeless Task Force,” said Mike Angeli, Marquette City Manager. “The commission will hopefully approve the mayor to appoint one commissioner maybe not at the meeting tonight, but sometime in the near future.”

Although the motion passed, it was not specified which commissioner would serve on the task force; that decision will most likely be made at the next commission meeting.

Whichever commissioner is appointed will serve a term ending on November 25th, 2020.

The Homeless Task Force is comprised of community leaders whose purpose will be to advise the commission on solving the homeless problem, which has been increasing in the past few years.