Some small businesses benefit from quiet Black Friday

NEGAUNEE– Though Black Friday may be a very important day for larger stores, small businesses also benefit from the day.

However some find unique ways to take advantage, of what for many of them, is a quiet day.

Even though it’s a fairly quiet for some smaller business in the area, Black Friday plays an important role for them. At the City Green Market and the Old Bank Building, the owners are getting ready for small business Saturday; where they have sales on all their merchandise.

However, the owners do say that Black Friday helps to garner enthusiasm for spending.

“Well I think people are kind of gung-ho about shopping right after Thanksgiving and I think there’s much more awareness for supporting smaller, independent businesses,” said Carrie Plummer, Co-owner of City Green Market and the Old Bank Building in Negaunee, “Small Business Saturday is the day after Black Friday and I think a lot of people are very interested in supporting Merchants in the Downtown area.”

Small business is tomorrow and many small businesses in the Upper Peninsula, including the City Green Market and the Old Bank Building, will have sales on.