If you set a goal at the beginning of the year to lose some weight and the scale isn’t tipping the way you want it to, you’re not alone.

Portage Health in Hancock sees a lot of people come into their offices this time of the year who are disappointed with being unable to achieve their weight loss goals.

A registered dietitian speaks with many people at the hospital about their goals.  She starts by assessing their goals and how well they implement diet and exercise into their routine.

“Some people have success with one or the other, but usually you need to do everything,” registered dietitian Kelsae Eliszewski said. “You need to be able to exercise a little bit and eat healthy as well for the most success.”

She says says proper portion size is a very important part of eating healthy, and getting the right amount of exercise is also crucial to reaching any weight loss goal.

“We recommend 150 minutes of exercise per week per person, and exercise varies for other people,” Eliszewski said. “Some, it’s just walking is going to be physically active for them. Some is running. Some is skiing. It depends, but usually 150 minutes is our recommendation.”

If you’d like more information about meeting with a registered dietitian, contact your local hospital or doctor.