Marquette Country CVB to Change Name

The organization promoting the tourist trade in Marquette County has gone by its current name for 20 years.

But now the group says that’s enough time.

The Marquette Country Convention and Visitors Bureau will have a new name soon.

Executive director Pat Black says the group has gotten a lot of mileage out of the ‘Marquette Country’ name in the last two decades, but the area has changed, and so should the bureau’s name

She’s hired a consultant to come up with a new brand for the organization that will be reflected in its name.

Hotel owners, restaurant owners and other residents will be asked to chime in.

If they don’t like the suggested brand, they’ll ask the consultant to try again, but if they do like the suggestion, they’ll use it.

Black says the consulting process to develop the new name should take place within the next few months.