Finnish Delegates Arrive in the Keweenaw Peninsula

HANCOCK – Finnish delegates arrived in the Keweenaw Peninsula after a long trek. Finland’s ambassador and select company leaders are meeting with representatives from Finlandia University and Michigan Tech this week. They’ll discuss advancements the schools have made in bio-materials and battery research. The delegates will also meet with local businesses to talk about potential partnerships.

“And Ive also understood that they’ve kept and protected their heritage. And nowadays we share many things with Michigan, when it comes to economy and society. Finland can offer world class research, science, but also front-runner companies. For cooperation with Michigan partners. We are especially looking for a strong interface between research and business.” – Okko-Pekka Salmimies, Consul General of Finland in Los Angeles

Okko-Pekka Salmimies is proud of his country and the deep connection between Finland and the Copper Country. He also said the strong relationships that we build today will bring the regions closer than ever before. The delegates met with researchers at the MTU College of Forestry then the Great Lakes Research Center this afternoon.

“It means a lot for us Finns, because it’s a uniwue place to come. Where you can see Finnish flags, and we can hear people greeting you in Finnish. And it means that we have similarities not only in regard to the forests, but we also have the same interests, when it comes to increased sustainability and protecting the welfare. So we are hard workers, both Finns and Michiganders, so I think the table is set for even more prosperous cooperation.” – Okko-Pekka Salmimies, Consul General of Finland in Los Angeles

Residents of the Keweenaw are proud of the region’s Finnish heritage.  Companies traveling with Salmimies this week are involved in industries like forest bio materials, and smart shipping. Finnish delegates do hope visit the area with other companies in the future to build an international bond across vital industries.