Expert pharmacist speaks about CBD at local drug store

IRON MOUNTAIN — There is a lot of stigmas around what exactly CBD Oil is and how it effects your body, and one local store brought in someone to help people answer those exact questions.

The Drug Store, which is located at the Midtown Mall in Iron Mountain, brought in CBD product expert TW Taylor to speak with the stores staff and community members about the benefits and specific details about CBD Oil. He had a presentation and then answered the crowds questions afterwards.

“CBD is short for Cannabidiol. It comes from the hemp plant and its used to promote overall health,” said Steve Roell, Pharmacist at The Drug Store. “It regulates your endocannabinoid system and that system effects all kinds of functions in your body. We were glad to put this event on because we think it gave people the opportunity to come in and talk to somebody that doesn’t work here but is an expert. He really has no skin in the game other than trying to educate the community.”

CBD Oil is available at this specific store but also at your local pharmacy.