NMU joins campaign hoping to reduce sexual violence

MARQUETTE — Northern Michigan University recently joined in on a national campaign aimed at fundamentally shifting the way people think and talk about sexual violence.

1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted in college. NMU is working towards raising awareness of the issue in hopes of reducing sexual violence through a community effort.

This collaboration consists of numerous different organizations and people, from NMU Public Safety to students themselves.

“We really try a multi-pronged approach and it really begins with education of all of our students. We spend quite a bit of time talking with our students about issues of sexual violence and how it can be prevented, how you can protect yourself, and how you really have an obligation to support other people,” said Northern Michigan University President, Dr. Fritz Erickson.

According to the It’s on Us campaign, only 13% of rape survivors report the assault. For students who have found themselves in similar situations and are seeking help, NMU offers various resources including access to free counseling.