MARQUETTE–Domestic violence against women is a problem locally and nationally. One group is trying to raise awareness of the issue by raising money for a local organization.

The 100 Good Men campaign has spent the last month raising support for the Marquette Women’s Center. More than 100 men and women stepped forward and donated 100 or more dollars each to the center, to help fund the programs that the organization offers. Thursday evening, a celebration was held at Oredock Brewery in Marquette, as a way for the Women’s Center to show their appreciation.

“For the men to kind of step forward – because this is a really sensitive topic and some men are a little uncomfortable and want to be a supporter,” said Lucy Grove, Board President of the Women’s Center. “So we think that this allows them the opportunity to support us, and just to publicly acknowledge that, ‘yeah you guys are needed, you guys are here, and we’re behind you all the way.’ ”

The center is always accepting donations, outside of their official campaigns, and you can visit their website, for more information.