Parking meter installation delayed in local city

MARQUETTE — New parking meters are set to be installed in the city of Marquette, but it is unknown when this project will be completed.

Downtown Marquette will be getting new parking meters, some replacing old ones as well as the addition of new ones in high demand areas. The new meters will be smart meters, accepting both coin and credit card. Pay stations will also be installed in multi space areas, where individuals will put in their license plate number and select the amount of time desired. However, equipment problems with the vendor, IPS technology, have given the project an unknown completion date.

“All of the meters will be capped, even after they are installed, until we get everything up and running. City public works has to come in and remove all the old signage, and then once that’s all done we’ll be able to get the meters up and running as a system,” said Executive Director for Marquette Downtown Development Authority, Mona Lang.

The new meters are meant to make street parking more available to customers and fund the parking system maintenance. The DDA also hopes that by next summer, people will be able to pay for parking by phone.