Mqt. City Band preps for summer concerts

The Marquette City Band has been around for over 120 years, and they are getting ready for a new summer season.

The band recently held auditions for new members to join this summer.  Concerts start in the middle of June, and run through the beginning of August.  Each concert has a different theme.

“We have a number of concerts at Presque Isle, at the band shell at the park, and we have a concert at the Lower Harbor on July 4th,” Marquette City Band Director Steve Grugin said.  “We also perform a concert at Bay Cliff for the folks that are there, and we will give a children’s concert.  We have a lot of different things that we do.”

Between 80 and 90 people play in the band, with members ranging in age from 12 to 80 years old.

Grugin said people in the band love performing, even at an older age.

“It’s a great group of people that are interested in music,” he said.  “They like performing, so it’s a chance for us to use music as a way of becoming close friends.”

The band’s first concert is June 13th at Presque Isle Park.

For more information, including the Marquette City Band’s schedule, visit their website at