Homeland Security Money En Route to MI
The state of Michigan is getting just over $36 million in federal homeland security money.
And some of it will come to the U.P.
The money is to bolster the state’s protection, prevention and response to emergencies.
While the money has to be shared across the state, 80% of the $36.1 million will go to local and tribal governments.
$200,000 will go to the Bay Mills Indian Community.
The Michigan State Police will share in the money.
The grants include more than $19 million for the state homeland security program.
It will be designated for seven homeland security regions statewide.
The money is to be spent on equipment, training and overtime costs.
The State Police, as well as local law enforcement in the U.P., will also use the money set aside for Operation Stonegarden.
$1.4 million is designed to enhance border enforcement efforts on land and water, with special attention to the Canadian border.