Bay Cliff Raising Money for Housing
Bay Cliff Health Camp is thankful this holiday season for the huge gifts the U.P. has given it over the years.
But there’s still one more big step for them to take.
Bay Cliff has raised more than $7 million in the last 4 years.
It’s being used for substantial improvement projects.
But Bay Cliff still badly needs a new housing unit for boys.
The new unit should have space for about 125 campers, and the camp still needs to raise about $2 million for it.
Tim Bennett is expecting they’ll be able to raise that money by the end of 2009.
Part of the reason for the big push is to make Bay Cliff more than just a place to go in the summer.
They have a range of winter weekend programs on tap, including teaching kids to ice-fish.
Besides the camps and other programs, Bay Cliff also offers extensive physical therapy services for children and adults.