MARQUETTE, Mich. – Support your local businesses. That has been the message during the pandemic. In Marquette the co-op wants to provide the best food to people that is made in the U.P.

October is national co-op month. A co–op is a cooperatively owned business, the Marquette food co–op is owned by 6,000 Yoopers.

“We want people to have access to the best quality food around. I think it gets to the whole point of co–op. Which is when people in the community see a need that is not being fulfilled; they can band together their time, resources and energy to bring what they want to see to the community.” says Outreach Director Sarah Monte.

Those owners are the reason the food co-op place exists. By contributing to the store they allow other policies and events to happen such as cooking classes or speaking at schools about healthy eating.

“By supporting local whether that is through your co–op you’re your local farm or any local business. We are supporting control over your local systems and control over our community.”