MARQUETTE — U.P. high school students had a chance to compete and showcase their trade skills Friday at Northern Michigan University.

The 2018 Upper Peninsula Skills Challenge took place at the Jacobetti Complex. The event was held in conjunction with the Marquette–Alger Regional Education Services Agency High school students used their skills learned in construction, computer–aided drafting, automotive service technology, and welding.

“These are skills that are just really needed within our region, and beyond the boundaries of Michigan, said Dr. John Centko, head of the College of Technology and Occupational Services at NMU. “Students that are getting these skills have multiple job opportunities as they advance in their careers. It’s just a phenomenal opportunity for the students to go to college and advance their skills and have good careers upon graduation.”

Members of local trade unions were on hand to serve as judges, and to help the students improve and give them a chance to succeed in careers that are always in high demand.