108th Representative sworn in by Lieutenant Governor
IRON MOUNTAIN– While in the Upper Peninsula, the Lieutenant Governor spent some time swearing in a local representative recently elected.
108 district State Representative Beau LaFave was sworn in this afternoon by Lieutenant Governor Brain Calley in the Dickinson County Courthouse. The Lieutenant Governor said that he felt Representative LaFave had great potential to make a difference in the state of Michigan. Others in attendance were former 108th district State Representative Ed McBroom and Senator Tom Casperson.
Lieutenant Governor Brain Calley “I’m really excited for the opportunity and potential of Beau has and part of it is he’s just, he’s got such excitement and energy and ambition to make a difference and that’s awesome.”
108th Representative Beau LaFave, “It shows how incredibly important, not who I am, but how important the 108th district is to the State of Michigan.”
Both Lieutenant Governor Calley and State Representative LaFave said their focus next year would be on keeping people in the state by connecting employers with talent and providing education and resources for those who need it.