Local high school football player takes on PA announcing

MARQUETTE — Sports announcing is all about having that voice that captures the attention of everyone at the game. It’s a really fun job and a local football player got a chance to try it out.

Marquette linebacker Jared Prevost was a special public address announcer Wednesday night at the Superior Dome for the junior varsity game against Gladstone. He got advice and support from a great source, Superior Dome P.A. announcer Rich Rossway.

“He taught me the basics. It was really nice because I already know him so he made it really easy for me to understand what to do and help me just relax and just speak into the microphone,” Prevost said.

Prevost had no prior experience in broadcasting, other than being the M.C. for homecoming. But he says that this experience means a lot to him because it gives him a different perspective on a game that he plays every Friday night.

“I think the funnest part is the fact that I know so many of these JV kids. During varsity practice I would go up against some of them, so it’s really cool to get the bird’s eye view and see them make the play and be able to announce it in front of all the people watching them and their friends and family,” said Prevost.

Prevost and the Redmen will be back in action Friday in Gladstone as they take on the Braves.