Crossfit Fitness Challenge Results
ISHPEMING — The moment of truth is here. After their first experience with Crossfit, ABC 10’s Danielle Davis and Sarah Mac revisit their goals.
After four to six weeks of participating in On Ramp, the Crossfit intro courses, Danielle Davis and I are ready to share our results.
The gym offers a variety of exercises for people with different goals.
The moment of truth is here. After their first experience with Crossfit, ABC10 & CW5 UP Danielle Davis and Sarah Mac revisit their goals.
Posted by ABC10 & CW5 UP on Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Danielle Davis says, “I really liked the athletic challenges that Crossfit provides. I didn’t feel like I was at a gym exercising. I actually felt like an athlete in training so that was really cool. In my post-ramp I actually did see improvement. I wasn’t as winded, I was able to get through all of my exercises faster. In the beginning I could not even do one pull-up, and I was able to do some pull-ups now, with the rubber-band, but still I couldn’t do any at first, so it was great experience.”
Sarah Mac says, “My goal was to lose inches, and gain enough strength to do 20 push-ups in a row and 10 pull-ups in a row with assistance of a rubber-band. I was able to hit my strengthening goals and I lost some inches in my legs and an inch off my band size.”
Crossfit Member Philip Niswonger says he joined to try to get stronger and says his goal for his On Ramp is weight loss.
Crossfit 906 member Philip Niswonger says, “Be consistent, I think that is the key to everything, and also don’t be scared to tell the trainers if you can’t do something because they’ll adjust it for you, and it’s better to do something that you can do rather than not do something you can’t do.”
Trainer Meg Gauthier says since the workouts can be modified depending on the body’s needs, that the experience is about beating your personal best.
“After speaking with members at Crossfit 906,” added Sarah Mac, “another aspect that draws people here is the community feel, always being with people you see all the time and being able to cheer others on, and to be cheered on yourself, and that ended up being one of my favorite parts.
For more information on Crossfit 906 click here, and don’t forget to share your results with us on Facebook.