MARQUETTE — Undersheriff Michael Klein officially announced that he will be running for the Sheriff of Marquette County in the upcoming election.

Klein told ABC 10 / CW 5 that he has three main objectives he would like to accomplish if elected Sheriff. These include twenty four hour road patrol for Marquette County, closing loopholes with dark stores to bring money back to the community, and take an aggressive attack on the battle against meth.

“I would ask that we actively fund UPSET because they are the tip of the spear for us,” said Undersheriff Michael Klein, “they’re going out there and dealing with these people every day. We need to get more community involvement and maybe educate the community on what this stuff is, what it can do, and what it takes to make this stuff. So if somebody sees this stuff they can call it in. Cell phones are a great advantage, and we can get people out there and help us. It’s a community effort and we’re going to have to get this done by teamwork.”

Klein is an Eagle Scout, a retired Navy veteran, a masters degree in police administration, and has a vast amount of experience in supervising, training and much more.

“Throughout my career, working and being certified as a firefighter and EMS/EMT. That all helps bring all three areas of public safety to this office. So I can make a better informed decision if I’m elected Sheriff.”

Other candidates are expected to announce their candidacy soon.

We’ll keep you updated as time goes on.

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