Negaunee Male Chorus sings in spring

NEGAUNEE — With warmer weather returning soon, we will have a lot to sing about.

Warming up to sing for their annual spring concert is the Negaunee Male Chorus.

The Negaunee Male Chorus spring concert takes place this Saturday at the Ishpeming Auditorium. And as with previous years, there is a theme to their concert.

“Well this year’s concert is a pirate theme, if you would, so we’re going to have some crazy antics and lots of good music and lots of fun,” said Gary Penhale, Vice President of the Negaunee Male Chorus. “It’s always good to be a pirate isn’t it? A pirate! Arrgh! A pirate theme.”

Also on stage look forward to seeing many props, a few keystone cops and a good group of men raising their voices to uplift the community.

“‘Cause it’s fun! It’s entertainment and it’s fun, and you’re supporting the local community. Oh, and [there are] numerous props and hand movements that will be tossed around, if you would. It’s the most fun you will have in April,” continued Penhale.

The concert takes place this Saturday at 7:00 p.m.