West End Health Foundation opens fall grant application
Health-related non-profits now have the chance to apply for fall funding.
The West End Health Foundation will award up to $30,000 to local non-profits for its fall grant cycle.
The non-profits can fall under a variety of services, including mental health, environmental health, access to health care, substance abuse, and more.
Organizations must be a part of the west end of Marquette County.
The grant cycle is open until 5 p.m. on October 1st.
To apply, visit Fall-2019-Grant-Application.pdf (westendhf.org).
Eligible areas: City of Ishpeming, City of Negaunee, Champion Township, Ely Township, Humboldt Township, Ishpeming Township, Michigamme Township, Negaunee Township, Republic Township, Richmond Township and Tilden Township