Gwinn Community School District Sinking Fund denied again

GWINN– Gwinn Area Community Schools have tried to get their sinking fund proposal passed in the previous May election, but it wasn’t approved. Recently they tried again during the August election, and unfortunately, they were denied again.

The sinking fund is a fund that will only be used for upgrades, repairs, and replacements of the facilities and technology. Without the sinking fund, Gwinn would have to dive into its general fund. This would take away money that would be used on teachers, programs, books, and more instructional needs.

“We went for this millage vote in May, and it was defeated. Of course again this past Tuesday in August, and it was again defeated,” said Sandra Petrovich, Superintendent of the Gwinn Area Community Schools. ” Just because it has been defeated, does’not mean the needs have gone away. It is vital that the entire community supports their local school district.”

Gwinn Community Schools will be going to the board again this coming Monday about the possibility of voting again in November. For more information on the sinking fund, click here