Awards presented for school safety and law enforcement dedication
ISHPEMING — State Representative Sara Cambensy presented awards from the Governor and Lt. Governor for what law enforcement and school officials bringing more awareness to school safety last spring.
State Rep. Cambensy says the tributes are a way to thank these officials and to further spread awareness on the topic of school safety.
Schools and other public locations around the nation have been targets for a lot of crime involving shootings, attacks and other various crimes. So schools and law enforcement have been taking more steps to prevent such events from happening and advocating for more money to fund school safety.
Now they are being recognized for their efforts.
“Our law enforcement officials are in the schools,” said Michigan State Representative of the 109th District, Sara Cambensy. “They are doing random stop by’s and it was a way to kind of advocate for more money in the state budget this year. Which we were able to secure 50 million that will be split between grants go to school for upgrades to school safety. The funds also go through our law enforcement officers allowing them to come into our schools more often.”
“Students and teachers should not have to go to school every day worrying about something happening,” said Michigan State Police, Captain John E. Halpin. “What they need to be focusing on is their education and we are trying to make that a safe environment for them. Everything we can do… We are doing.”
And with that money received from the state grants the Ishpeming middle and high school among other schools in Michigan have been able to improve security in a variety of ways.
But some school officials believe that schools not only need more security, but also student one on one help with counselors for mental health within the schools.
“Our district was very fortunate to be one of the recipients of the state wide grant,” said Ishpeming Super Intendment, Carrie Meyer. “We were able to put the night locks in all of our classrooms and offices to make our buildings more secure for moving into the school year.”
“You know we have a lot of kids that are struggling,” said Ishpeming Teacher, Jeff Olson. “Not only in Michigan but also in the nation, and you know the more help that we can get them, I think the more safe our schools can be. Whether it’s… You know it all comes down to funding… I really believe we need more counselors in schools.”