Rick Snyder, Brian Calley in Marquette to promote Marshall Plan
MARQUETTE — Governor Rick Snyder and Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley made a stop in Marquette to talk about the Marshall Plan for Talent, which helps Michigan students and adults prepare for their future careers.
Snyder and Calley say that we need to do more with younger students, as well as lifelong learning.
“We need business, higher education and K–12 all to work much more closely together in a cohesive way to help people get new competencies, to get new skills,” said Snyder.
“Talent is the new currency of economic development,” added Calley. “That’s what drives investment, that’s what drives community development, and that’s what drives opportunity for the future.”
Snyder will also be the speaker at tomorrow’s commencement for Northern Michigan University. He says he’s excited to share some life lessons with NMU graduates and parents.