Learning to Lead encourages communication
MARQUETTE — On Friday, professionals gathered at Northern Michigan University to discuss communication in the workplace. The Learning to Lead Seminar, put on by the department of Continuing Education and Workforce Development, was held today at NMU’s University Center.
The program touched on communication issues, including dress code, body language, and more. The “Back to Basics” seminar served to remind professionals of core communication values.
“It’s really important, a lot of the stuff we really did learn as kids, but we forget how important it is. And we probably expect these things of the younger generation, but we need to focus on them as well,” said Stephanie Zadroga-Langlois, director Continuing Education and Workforce Development at NMU. “Learning to stay focused, to make eye contact, to watch your own inflexions, so when you’re saying something, you’re saying it the way you want to be understood.”
Members of the audience were encouraged to participate, making the seminar a much more enjoyable experience. The topics discussed emphasized earlier lessons of expected professional behavior.