Aspen Ridge students job shadow Marquette County professionals

ISHPEMING — ABC 10 welcomed a special guest to the studio Wednesday morning, a student from Aspen Ridge Elementary School on assignment.

Meet Billy Teall. He’s the 8th grade student who spent two hours shadowing ABC 10’s news director, Alyssa Lambert. He was shown the studio, sat in the anchor’s desk, learned about daily news responsibilities and even shot some b-roll.

“I came to ABC 10 for job shadowing because I was interested in news and radio broadcasting,” said Teall. “I learned a lot about what you do in the office and how everything works.”

This job shadowing experience stems from a unit in a Life Skills class that Teall and other eighth grade students at Aspen Ridge are enrolled in. The students take aptitude tests and explore their interests to find three careers they would be interested in pursuing.

The students are then paired up with someone in one of these fields to find out exactly what that career entails.

“Students come back and some are really fired up about it and say ‘Oh my gosh, that’s exactly what I want to do!’ and then other kids come back and say ‘There’s no way I would ever want to do that.’ So I think either way, whether they have a really positive experience with it or realize that they don’t want to do that career, it’s beneficial,” said Aspen Ridge Counselor Jill Zueger.

Other job shadowing sites included Huron Mountain Bakery, RTI Surgical and the Marquette City Fire Department.

ABC 10 would not only like to thank Teall for coming to the studio, but also Jill Zueger and Jan Fredrickson for setting up the job shadowing experience.