Rich Rossway blazed some more of his campaign trail this afternoon in running for State Representative for the 109th house district.

Republican state senator Tom Casperson endorsed Rossway for State Representative.

He commended Rossway for his ability to appeal to both sides.

“He doesn’t play the partisan game, he’s running as a republican, he lines up on that slate, and he’s letting people know why he is doing that. But he also wants to get results and work together, he works with people, and he doesn’t judge people because of party affiliation,” said Casperson.

“The people are great in the UP, and I haven’t really found the divisiveness that I thought I would find…people are open to talking, democrat or republican, and I think that’s really a wonderful thing,” said Rossway.

Rossway emphasized the need for job growth, citing the County Road 595 project as a catalyst.

“You know, I understand there are jobs, and with my role on the schoolboard, we need to do a much better job of building trades, and exposing our young kids.”

Rossway says that he expects to receive many more endorsements.