Parents and teachers ban together to replace 30 year old playground
L’ANSE — Efforts are underway to replace aging playground equipment at an elementary school in L’Anse.
The playground equipment at the C. J. Sullivan Elementary School is 30 years old. The Parent-Teacher Organization would like to replace the deteriorating equipment with a new, interactive playground that will stimulate a child’s physical and emotional abilities.
C. J. Sullivan Elementary PTO Member Carrie Rich said, “It’s just not safe and the other part is that we do have some students in our system now that have sensory needs or ADA capabilities and that’s just not being met right now.”
But it’s not cheap. Just the base unit costs about $50,000. The PTO has raised roughly $44,000 of that and they hope to have the rest by spring so they won’t lose some of the grant money that they are eligible for.
The overall goal is to raise at least $100,000 to provide the children the playground these parents and teachers say the kids deserve.
Rich said, “With so many different options and so many different things where people can spend their money, this is one that is really going to be a lasting impression in the youth coming up and for today and tomorrow.”
To reach their goal, the PTO is hosting several fundraising events. You can find details about them on the C. J. Sullivan Playground Project Facebook page.