Students help community members with technology troubles

MARQUETTE — With smartphones, e–readers, tablets and laptops, it can be a little challenging to keep up with changing technology.

Lucky for the Luddites in the area, the Peter White Public Library hosts a Tech Help Drop–In on Fridays from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. Students from Northern Michigan University’s Information Technology program come to help community members stay afloat in a rising tide of technological changes.

“I see a change actually happens every six months where you always have to be updated. So, to really try to help the community out and make sure they’re always up to date as much as we are, [we] can really help…with bridging that gap with the senior citizens and technology,” said David Moats, Vice President of NMU’s Association of Information Technology Professionals.

There’s one more drop in session for the semester on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The students will start back up next semester when classes resume.

Follow this link for those dates, and contact information for the Association of Information Technology professionals