Negaunee Male Chorus concert set for Saturday
It’s that time of year again for Christmas concerts, and the Negaunee Male Chorus is prepping for their annual concert this Saturday.
This year’s theme is ‘A Star over Bethlehem’. They will be singing Christmas favorites including the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus.
While the members of the chorus want to put on a good performance, they still try to have fun.
“There’s usually some sort of frivolity going on,” Negaunee Male Chorus member Martin Clark said. “I’m not sure if it (the concert) will be a fracas, but I know some are not going to bring their tiara this year, so we’ll be all right.”
“It’s a hoot,” Negaunee Male Chours Vice President Gary Penhale said. “(Being a member) It’s more comedic relief then you think.”
“People might dress up in crazy antics, we usually do every year, but you never know. Someone might pull a surprise or something.”
The chorus has about 35 members, and most of them have been in the chorus for many years.
“We have a great report,” Clark said. “Nobody cares how much money somebody else makes or what they do for a job, good or bad, high or low, left or right, we just come here to sing and enjoy ourselves and have a good time.”
“We have a good sound, it’s maybe not for everybody but it is for a lot of people. We just encourage people to come out and if they’ve never heard us before to come and give us a listen and see what they think.”
The concert takes place at the Negaunee High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $10, and all proceeds go to buying the chorus new uniforms.