Making a special memory
Marquette resident Rose “Betty” Thompson has been reminiscing about one of the most memorable moments of her life: being the Matron of Honor at her great-granddaughter Molly’s wedding.
When Molly was five-years-old, she had told Rose that she would be in her wedding and Rose promised she would be Matron of Honor.
“The wedding was in California, and at the time health wise it was impossible for me to go,” Rose said. “But it was my wish that I could be there.”
But thanks to U.P. Home Health and Hospice’s Make a Memory program, Rose was able to attend and participate in the wedding virtually.
“Virtually through Skype she walked down the aisle–which was on a beach in California–by the Best Man and was put up on a pedestal right on line where she would have been had she been physically standing there and participated in the whole ceremony,” Make a Memory Coordinator Lindsay Hemmila said.
“Through (U.P.) Home Health, I was able to enjoy an afternoon enjoying Molly’s wedding,” Rose said. “It was one of the most wonderful happenings.”
Rose and her friends had small party complete with food and champagne as they watched Molly get married. Said the experience is something she will never forget.
“It was the biggest surprise–one of the biggest surprises of my life that I was allowed to enjoy Molly’s wedding with some of my friends.”