Fruit tree workshop draws large crowd
Spring planting season was the minds of the almost one hundred people that came to hear about planting fruit trees.
It was a workshop put on by the Marquette County Food Co-op. People learned what types of fruit trees grow best in the U.P. and the Marquette area and how to maintain the trees.
Jim Isleib from the MSU Extension in Alger County gave the presentation on picking types trees, where to buy them and how to plant fruit trees, among other related topics. There were also handouts with fruit growing information.
Isleib even showed what types of gardening tools are needed for fruit growers and what they are used for.
With the high attendance, there are hopes of perhaps having another class that goes more in-depth with fruit tree topics, like pruning.
For more information on classes the Marquette County Food Co-op offers, visit their website,