Superior Hills School Catches the Wave
A Marquette school principal challenged students to a month full of extensive reading and writing in march.
He told them if they met the goal, they’d get to watch him do something embarrassing, and today was the payoff.
Superior Hills Elementary School principal Mike Woodard had to dance the hula in an assembly of every student in the school.
It was the wrap–up of the school’s month–long challenge called “Catch the Wave of Reading and Writing”.
The dance may have been a first–time experience.
But Woodard has plenty of experience motivating kids at Superior Hills at the expense of his dignity.
He says last year, he dressed up as a leprechaun and danced around at an assembly, and he’s also challenged students to a hula hoop contest.
Hopefully, the kids will come through again next time and force him to do something equally humiliating.
Posted by: Mike Hoey