Local Businesses Recognized
Adding one job at a time to the Marquette County workforce is the bottom line for a program called “Plus One”. It’s a Lake Superior Community Partnership program in a joint venture with MichiganWorks!
The “Plus One” program is designed around the premise that an employer adding just one employee contributes to economic development in Marquette County. It recognizes the impact of businesses that create at least one new position have on the growth of the regional economy.
Today, 30 businesses that created 462 new jobs were recognized.
ABC 10 also received a “Plus One” award for adding personnel at our Ishpeming studios in Marquette County. The company also established a Bureau Reporter position in Houghton.
The goal of the “Plus One” program is to support and recognize a 1% increase in the Marquette County workforce each year. Since it was implemented five years ago, the LSCP has recognized Marquette County businesses that have collectively created nearly 1,500 new jobs.