DDA Approaches City Commission on Renewing TIF
Future changes may be underway for the betterment of Marquette’s downtown development.
The Marquette City Comission heard from the Downtown Development Authority on why the city should renew the downtown TIF — tax increment financing plan — through 2036.
The DDA broke down its plans for the city in three components:
— continued maintenance on structures within the city,
— adapting to emerging initiatives, like expanding the farmers market and possibly providing electrical chargers for vehicle in new parking areas, and
— a wish list for the city on what opportunities could be done if allowed in the future, including making the west end of the city more appealing to developers.
The City Comission will vote on the plan after it hears from the public on February 28th.
The comission also brought up Kennecott’s new plans for the company’s truck route to and from the eagle mine.
Tomorrow night on ABC 10 News Now, we’ll bring you more on the commission’s stance towards the company’s plans.