Esky Electric Rates on the Rise
It’ll cost more to light up your house or apartment in Escanaba.
There’s no word yet on how much of an increase is in store.
The city may have to pay a $1 million annual fee for access to power lines, and that’s one factor behind the move.
The city also recently stopped delivery of coal to the municipal power plant, which could also force the city to pay more for power.
City officials say the rates they’re paying for electric power have escalated in the last year or so.
Until now, the city was able to avoid passing on those higher costs to residents and businesses, but the city says it won’t be able to avoid it this time.
Last spring, the city council thought about raising electric rates to offset rising coal prices, but they decided against it.
The rates would have gone up by 13%, but the council took more than $1.5 million from Escanaba’s electric fund instead.