Some of the seized drugs and firearms from Hendersons property.

Down in Grand Rapids sentencing was announced by Western District of Michigan US Attorney Mar Totten and US District Judge Paul Maloney, of Tyrone Henderson, 51, of Kalamazoo.

Henderson will serve 27 years in prison for possession with intent to distribute fentanyl, heroine, and methamphetamines, as well as felony possession of firearms. This case represented one of the largest domestic seizures of fentanyl in Kalamazoo history. A mandatory further 5 years of supervised release after prison will be served and the court ordered Henderson to forfeit all his drugs and firearms.

US Attorney Mark Totten said quote “Disrupting the supply lines of illegal drugs and unlawful guns is a top priority for my office. – I applaud our local, state, federal, and multi-jurisdictional task force partners for their investigative work to protect our communities and hold Mr. Henderson accountable.”

At sentencing Judge Maloney noted the dangers of fentanyl, heroin, and meth – calling them a scourge across the nation. Fentanyl is, and has been the leading factor in the spike of overdoses across the nation the past decade. Maloney also stated Henderson did not learn his lesson from his previous 10 year sentence and federal conviction. Calling him a “Threat to the public” he cited the need to “incapacitate” him from committing further crimes.

The investigation of Henderson was handled

a backpack, containing a large vessel of pills, seized from Hendersons property

by The US D.E.A. and the Kalamazoo Valley Enforcement team. Assistant US Attorneys Joel S. Fauson and Austin J. Hakes prosecuted the case.

To watch the full segment follow this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3R_tFyIlj4