November is National homeless Awareness Month and Nick Emmendorfer,  Executive Director of Room At The Inn in Marquette, has been busy setting up this week’s upcoming activities

“Opening our permanent shelter on Christmas Eve of 2020. We have a shelter here that provides 30 beds,” Emmendorfer said. “We have an overflow space for up to five individuals. So up to 35 people can get shelter here. In addition to that we provide free meals throughout the day, and also case management.. Thursday, November 11, at 7pm. We’re going to do an event at the Ore dock called Homelessness in the 906. It’s part of the Community Talk series where we want to educate people on homelessness and more importantly, if you know someone experiencing homelessness, how to access the services.  We want to have a panel discussion there, including some presentations on homelessness.

Thursday will be a nice precursor to our event that we do on Saturday.  It’s an annual event we do. It’s the walk for homeless awareness. We want to walk in solidarity as a group from Lower Harbor Park, we’re going to meet at  11 o’clock in the parking lot. We’re going to do a quick prayer service to remember those who have passed away and who experienced homelessness, and then we’re going to walk in solidarity as a  whole. I’m hoping for 50 to 100 people to show up at least. We’re going to walk up on Washington Street to Harlow Park from Lower Harbor Park. There’ll be a staged encampment representing homelessness. At the conclusion we’ll have doughnuts and coffee for everyone that participates.”

For more information on how you can help Room At The Inn Warming Center, visit If you’d like to learn more about this weekend’s event, visit the “Homelessness in the 906” Facebook page.