The Weird Indoor Bike Race Raffle
ISHPEMING — The Weird West End Indoor Bike Race has been re–scheduled for December 5th, but they’re currently having a bike raffle for a 2019 Rocky Mountain Pipeline Alloy.
This bike is valued at $3,449.00, courtesy of West End Ski & Trail.
Raffle tickets are $10 dollars per ticket, and all the proceeds will go to Ramba and Start the Cycle.
“We were suppose to have at the Weird,” said Laura Macdonald, Executive Director at Start the Cycle. “We were going to do this great bike race on March 14th and it got postponed because of the Stay Home, Stay Safe. In the meantime, we want to get this Rocky Mountain Pipeline Alloy out on the trials this summer.”
The Drawing on May 9th during American Idol , here on ABC10
To purchases tickets over the phone, contact Pam Roose of the West End Health Foundation at (906) 869-4617 for over the phone purchase.
To purchase tickets by mailing a check (by May 4th):
- send your name and contact information to- West End Health Foundation, P.O Box 211, Ishpeming, MI 49849